Latin / South America (LATAM) Point-of-Sale (POS) Market Share – Hardware – 2024
This product can be purchased in total or as a subset.
This product provides market share for top Latin/South America (LATAM) POS Hardware vendors.
The Latin/South America (LATAM) POS Hardware study data is broken down into the following segments:
- Food/Grocery
- Drug Stores/Pharmacies
- Hypermarkets/Supercenters/Warehouse Clubs
- Department Stores
- Mass Merchants and Discounters
- Specialty Hard Goods (DIY, Electronics, Books, Furniture, Sporting Goods, etc)
- Specialty Soft Goods (Apparel, Shoes, Leather Goods, etc.)
- Hospitality
The Latin/South America (LATAM) POS Hardware sizing includes research that is inclusive in retail store locations and chains as well as what is installed for the POS (point-of-sale) with data from the following countries
- Mexico
- Brazil
- Colombia
- Chile
- Argentina
- Peru
- Venezuela
- Other Latin / South America
In our Latin/South America (LATAM) POS Hardware study we provide the following sheets:
- Total Shipments and Installed Base – A rollup of total shipments and installed base with forecast for total units. This will include trailing 4 quarters and 1 year overall, and a forecast for the next 4 quarters and total of 3 years. This is a rolling function that will be updated each quarter.
- Regional Vendor Sheet – This is a rollup by segment and by vendor and will include the 4 trailing quarters, then forecast for next 4 quarters and total of 3 years. Includes shipments and installed base.
- Regional Processor Shipments/Installed Base by Vendor by Quarter – This will look at the 4 trailing quarters and the next 4 quarters and 3 years by vendor, by segment, and by processors for the region. This will be a very detailed sheet and will include the following processor categories to begin with that match our POS studies:
- Celeron/Sempron Pentium 4/Mobile Dual Core Core Ultra and above
- Regional OS Shipments/Installed Base by Vendor by quarter – This is the same format as processors, but instead of the processors we will look at the operating systems by vendor by segment.
The following operating systems (that match our POS report) are addressed.
- Android
- DOS and Legacy Windows
- 4690
- Windows 7/8
- Windows 10.11
- Linux
- Other
Vendors that are included in this research include:
- Dell
- Diebold-Nixdorf
- Elgin
- Elotouch
- Fujitsu
- HP
- Oracle
- Posiflex
- Sweda
- Toshiba
- Touch Dynamic
- Others
Related Studies:
Related studies include:
- North America Point-of-Share (POS) Market Share – Hardware – 2024
- Europe/Middle East/Africa (EMEA) Point-of-Sale (POS) Market Share – Hardware – 2024
- Asia/Pacific (APAC) Point-of-Sale (POS) Market Share – Hardware – 2024
- Latin/South America (LATAM) POS Terminal Study – 2024
- Latin/South America (LATAM) mPOS (Mobile POS) Market Share – 2024
- Latin/South America Retail Store Location Chain Sizing with POS/mPOS – 2024
Below are some examples of some screen shots from older versions. But they do not do the product justice. Please contact us to see a demo.
Current data actual shipments through 2023 and forecasts by vendor. We welcome you to contact us for a demo of the product so you can see the level of data and detail you would be provided.

What do you define as POS?
At IHL we believe it is important that we state clearly the definitions of what we are classifying as a POS device. For the purposes of our analysis, we are defining POS as PC-based workstations, namely PC-class Processor-based and LAN-available terminals. Although others might include Electronic Funds Terminals as POS, we do not include them here. Perhaps the best definitions come from the use of the current model names of the top vendors that we are including:
Toshiba GCS: SurePOS 300, 500 and 700 families HP: rp5XXX and ap5XXX families, ElitePOS, PCOCD Diebold Nixdorf: BEETLE /iPOS family NCR: RealPOS 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, XRx families and P‐series Fujitsu: TeamPOS 3000 and 7000 families
In this research, we also include PC on Cash Drawer Devices (PCOCD), and to the degree we are able we distinguish between vendors. We also include Self-Checkout terminals in the count, but do not break them out separately. For this detail we suggest our Self-Checkout Study.
We do not include Electronic Cash Registers (ECR) in this study. Although the lines have blurred as to POS and ECR in terms of processors and connectivity, we believe there is a clear distinction in functionality, expandability, and serviceability between the devices. Thus, we are considering the low end devices in the study as those of the Wincor BEETLE /Express, HP rp5000, and NCR RealPOS 20 types.
What retail market segments (verticals) do you address?
Our format for the study is based on detailed analysis of the following 8 retail market segments:
Food/Supermarkets Drug Stores Hypermarkets/Superstores/Warehouse Clubs Department Stores Specialty Stores Mass Merchandisers (includes Discount Stores) Convenience Stores/Gas Stations Hospitality (Restaurants, Lodging and Entertainment)
For North America we further segment Specialty Stores into Specialty Category Killers and Specialty Other, and Hospitality into Fast Food, Bar/Restaurant, Lodging, Casinos/Cruises, and Entertainment: Theme Parks, Stadiums, Museums, others.
How do you define the processors included?
Throughout this report, we deliberately categorize all processors by speed rather than by name. Since Intel is the market leader and the most identifiable, we use the following familiar designations for our processor definitions.
286/386/486 Pentium I, II & III Celeron/Sempron Pentium 4 Pentium Dual Core Pentium Core 2 Duo & Above
While in the last several years there have been other processor entries (notably VIA/Cyrix and AMD), all herein are referred to as “Intel-class” processors, whether Intel, MediaGX, AMD K5, K6-2, Duron, Athlon or Atom.
How do you categorize operating systems?
With regard to operating systems, our focus is on the following.
Android, DOS & Legacy Windows 4690 Windows Vista / Windows 7/Windows 8x Windows 10/Windows 11 Linux (all varieties) Other (includes different derivatives of UNIX, BeOS, MAC, etc.)
For the purposes of this report we do not count units that are in labs; we only count those in pilot or in rollout.
For more information, please feel free to contact us.
The POS Shipments by Vendor product is priced based on the level of detail that you require. Should you wish to have all segments for all regions, updated quarterly, the price is $10,000 Annually. But individual regions start at $6,000. Please contact us for more information.
If you only need data annually or only certain segments or certain regions, we can customize the offering for you and a specific price. Please contact us for more details.
Licenses Available
Enterprise License – a license that allows for the research to be accessed and shared internally with anyone else within the organization and wholly owned subsidiaries.
IHL Group License and Fair Use Agreement
All of IHL Group’s generally available research are electronic licenses and can be shared freely within the purchasing organization and wholly owned subsidiaries. We only ask that this information not be shared with partners or others outside the purchasing company without authorization from IHL Group. The license does not extend to joint ventures or other partnerships. If the relationship is not a wholly-owned subsidiary, then both parties would need a license.
Practically, this implies the following:
- The purchasing company can use the data and research worldwide internally as long as the international organizations are wholly owned subsidiaries of the purchasing company.
- The data or any research cannot be distributed in whole or in part to partners or customers without express written approval from IHL Group.
- The purchasing company may quote components of the data (limited use) in presentations to customers such as specific charts. This is limited to percentage components, not individual unit information. Unit data cannot be shared externally without express written approval from IHL Group. All references to the data in presentations should include credit to IHL Group for the data.
- The purchasing company can reference qualitative quotes in printed material with written approval from IHL Group.
- All requests requiring written approval should be submitted to ihl(at) and will be reviewed within one business day.
For any questions regarding this policy, please contact us at 1-888-IHL-6777 (North America) +1.615.591.2955 (International) or email us at ihl(at)