2024 Out-of-Stocks and Overstocks Matrix

Product Overview

We share data from the last 8 years broken into the following categories:

  • Empty shelves
  • Customers couldn’t find assistance to get items locked up or hidden
  • Customers find associates, but they cannot find the items (system says in-stock, but can’t find it)
  • Price/offer didn’t match online or ad price
  • Buying/planning Issues
  • Marketing not aligned with merchandising
  • Vendor Issues
  • Training/employee Issues
  • Spoilage/consumer Lockdown
  • Competitive price match
  • Some Other Reason

As well the index provides insight from retailers on who is to blame for the issues. Data provided for costs associated with the following:

  • Internal processes
  • Internal data/systems issues
  • Personnel issues
  • Supplier issues
  • Employee theft
  • Consumer theft
  • COVID Surge/lockdown Issues
  • Other issues

The data is provided for 4 regions of the world (North America, Europe/Middle East/Africa, Latin/South America, Asia/Pacific) to the level of the following 10 segments:

  • Food/Grocery
  • Drug Stores/Pharmacies/Perfumeries
  • Hypermarket/Supercenters/Mass Merchants
  • Department Stores
  • Specialty Soft Goods (apparel, shoes, luggage)
  • Specialty Hard Goods (DIY, books, furniture, electronics, pets, sporting goods, etc.)
  • Convenience/Gas/Forecourt
  • Bar/Table Service Restaurants
  • Fast Food
  • Other Hospitality

IHL’s Out-of-Stock and Overstock Matrix tracks these costs by segment around world showing historical changes and where improvements have been made and where challenges still exist. This is designed for retailers to see where the big problems are to benchmark themselves against their competition as well as for vendors that are looking that offer solutions to attack these issues.  Because of the granularity of the data, vendors can target the true costs by segment and reasons.

Data can be purchased by region and segment. Contact us to schedule a quick webinar to review. See below for more details.